Coronavirus disease is a viral infection that is transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets of an infected person via coughing, sneezing or touching surfaces contaminated with the virus.
Tips for prevention:
– Wash hands frequently with clean water and soap for at least 20 seconds extending to the wrist, in between fingers and the fingernails.
– Cover your mouth and nose with a face mask, especially in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your house hold. Also avoid touching any part of the face.
– Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily e.g. doorknobs, tables, phones, keyboards, sinks etc. with an alcohol based disinfectant.
-Avoid eating or drinking in public places e.g. restaurants and bars for now. Deliveries and takeaway food are good options.
-Self-quarantine if sick, avoid sitting, sleeping or eating with relatives or loved ones.
Ensure to call your doctor if you have any symptoms.